Matías Baldanza

Hello, world? 👋

If there's no first post, can there ever be a blog? 😜

The last time I wrote a 'Hello, world! 👋' post was back in March 2021, and as almost all my previous attempts, it ended with a first article in Spanish and an English version, plus two or three subsequent drafts, abandoned.

Since then, and after several false starts, I started re-learning web development in public on Twitch in August 2022, and almost seven months later here I am, with several courses finished live, a dozen and a half mini-projects, and my first static blog, made in Next.js 13.3, which I started learning only three days before.

Image Source: Twitchtracker - Streams since August 2022 to date

I'm not mentioning that just to brag. Learning and building in public has been the single most important thing I've done in my learning journey. It helped me become more consistent, accountable, focused, and gain more confidence in my skills. Plus, I'm really proud of that chart.

Here are another two charts that make me feel good about myself. These two Github Contributions charts since I started learning in public, starting on August 2022 and last updated on this blog's launch, on 2023-05-08.

GitHub contributions 2022

GitHub contributions 2023, until 2023-05-08

I'm not going to lie. I'm a little nervous about this new stage, but I'm also really excited to share what I'm learning along the way, especially tips and things the future me will thank me for compiling.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 🤗

Note from the future: I ended up publishing the blog and this article, about three weeks later—on May 8—mostly to stop myself from procrastinating and finally ship it. 🚢